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Dear Clients and Friends,

In this message we are addressing frequent areas of inquiry regarding past due tax obligations.

Some key recommendations are:

1.  File timely even if you do not have some or all of your tax payments to hand.You are not unique if you have not filed for multiple years – and perhaps do not even have good records for doing so at this time.   Something can be done about this problem and it can be life changing for one to just commence a handling of this area of one’s life.   No statutes of limitations run, no bankruptcy discharge options are available nor are possible payment plans or debt compromised settlements with the IRS available until one files accurate (i.e. not fraudulent) tax returns.

Most all accountants have filed multiple years of unfilled returns for clients so worry not about your accountant having a health endangering shock upon seeing your backlog.

 2. Worry not as well about going to jail  for failing to file and pay your taxes.  Debtor’s prison is not an option and person’s do not go to jail for failing to file or pay their tax obligations. Know as well that compliance with tax laws, as distasteful as it may be, is far preferable to a  life of tax protestations.

Tax compliance does not mean you cease attempting to pay as little tax as possible.  it just means that it is safe to come forward in this area of your life – and we predict that it will be found to be universally worthwhile for you and yours.

3.  A Bankruptcy discharge of past due income taxes can occur as soon as 2 years after the filing  of one’s delinquent tax returns.

4.  Lastly, if you decide to do something about your tax scene and all that it impacts in your financial life – know that the IRS will have more attention on your current compliances with filings and payments than with your past due matters.

It speaks volumes to them that you are back and that the earlier non-compliances are not continuing.

We invite you to call us for a free phone analysis of your new-life options.

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