An excellent and organized body of legal information highlights is available on the most popular areas of California Law that we want all of you to know about. This information is contained in a body of Consumer Education Pamphlets that are created, updated and published by The State Bar of California.
This Information is free and it is available online at: or in print by your sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the State Bar of California, 18 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94105, Attention: Pamphlets.
The following is a list of these legal facts of life pamphlets that you may be interested in:
* How can I Find and hire the Right lawyer?
* How can I resolve my dispute without a trial? (ADR)
* what should I know if I am arrested?
* What should I do if I have an auto accident?
* How do I use the small Claims Court?
* What can I do if I can’t pay my debts?
* What should I know about divorce and custody?
* Can the Law Help protect me from domestic violence?
* What should I know Before I rent?
* Can the client security fund Help you?
* How is your client security fund request handled?
* What should I do if I am a crime victim?
* What can I do if I have a problem with my lawyer?
* Do I need a Will?
* Do I need estate planning?
* Do I need a living trust?
* What are my rights as an employee?
* What can a lawyer referral service do for me?
* What do I need to know about serving on a jury?
* How do I become a lawyer?
* What should I know about Elder abuse?
Other available publications are:
* Kids & The Law-an A-Z guide for parents (for print copies:
* Seniors & the Law: a guide for maturing Californians (for print copies:
* When you become 18 (for print copies: And
* Guide to legal literacy, (available online only).
If more is needed we are of course here for you and yours.