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Mom gets years of unpaid support for 52-year-old daughter


Dear Clients and Friends,

States have gotten increasingly tough in enforcing child-support obligations.

In a recent California case Toni Anderson’s husband left his family when their daughter was 3 years old. After his first $160 check bounced, he stopped paying and moved to Canada. Toni worked as an interior designer to support their daughter and although she and her daughter lived paycheck-to-paycheck she sent her daughter to college and that child who is now 52 and runs the firm where Toni was employed.

Toni, now 74, knowing she’d gotten an unfair deal from her ex came to find out that California has no time limit on the collection of child support obligations. She did some digging, located her ex in Oregon, proceeded to collection on what was once a $160-per-month obligation that was now – with interest and attorney fees – a $150,000 debt that Toni went to court on and won.

Note, other States continue to have statutes of limitation on suing for unpaid child support and one should 1st check that out if one’s case is not a California matter.

We continue to invite your calls for a free phone evaluation of your legal maters. Such questions as: Do I have a case? What are my chances of success? How much will it cost…..? when answered can be life changing or a least provide for some improved sleeping. We look forward to hearing from you.



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