Dear Clients and Friends,
The below link is to a recent AP article on the current status of the IRS.
Yes, there is “good news” for taxpayers because the IRS is having problems with budget cuts, congressional investigations and with its new Obama-care responsibilities. Each of these factors reduce the odds of one being audited.
In spite of this – and in view of the fact that I was a former IRS attorney – we recommend against complacency and increasing levels of non-compliance.
The selection process for audited returns is a sophisticated process – it is not a random lottery. All this “good news” about the IRS’s current difficulties mean nothing if you are selected for an audit. The rules and regulations remain and the IRS does look to set scary audit examples for the Press to set examples and remind potential tax evaders of how daunting they can be.
Add to this that much of the average person’s tax scene is already known to the IRS even before one files via his employer, the financial institutions he invests and banks with and even from his favorite race track and casino.
If you have a tax audit or tax collection problem do call us for a free 15 minute phone evaluation of that matter to see if we can be of help.