We do get asked these types of questions and with my hat being that of a lawyer I will defer any of you interested in an answer to this question to a gentleman I deem to be one of the most reliable financial commentators i know of for an answer:
Jim Rogers is a hugely successful international investor and author. He is a bow-tied, Yale and Oxford dude whom i have found to be right for decades now and his current words on the above question are:
Commodities: Serious Supply Problems Facing The World
I own commodities because there are serious supply problems facing the world in commodities. If the world economy gets better, wherever it gets better prices are going to get higher because of the shortages. If the world economy does not get better I would rather own commodities because governments are going to print money. They will print more money, and throughout history when governments have debased currencies, when they have printed money, the way to protect yourself and to make money is to own real assets.
For those of you who want some specifics on this – he suggests:
United States Oil Fund LP (ETF) (NYSE:USO), SPDR Gold Trust (ETF) (NYSE:GLD), iShares Silver Trust (ETF) (NYSE:SLV)