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Dear Clients and Friends,

We expect 2016 to be more alive and energetic than has been the recent norm locally, nationally and internationally.

In the forefront of this is the US and the international economic scene which is not likely to maintain its 7 years of apparent unbridled success. Add to this a Presidential election year, and a boring 2016 should not be a problem for any of us.

We further expect this energetic scene to create an abundance of opportunities and dream-fulfilling successes for many because opportunities abound in challenging  times.

Here’s to each of you having these dream-fulfilling successes and, of course, working with us to help you with your expansion challenges.

In any event, and however goes the year, these words of wisdom always work:

Lee Iacocca: In times of great stress or adversity it’s always best to keep busy and to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.

Oprah Winfrey: Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do. 


Pablo Picasso: Action is the foundational key to all successes.

To an excellent year and more.



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