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Mar 10, 20212 min read
“Deathbed Marriages” vulnerable to challenges
Dear Clients and Friends, “Deathbed marriages” between couples where a suitor (often a much younger one) marries someone with a short...
Nov 12, 20202 min read
Family trust could prohibit beneficiaries from going to court
Dear Clients and Friends, When setting up trusts for children, grandchildren and other family members, one has a greater ability to limit...
Mar 21, 20192 min read
Estate planning critical for non-traditional couples
Dear Clients and Friends, Generally speaking, estate planning laws were designed for the traditional nuclear family, a married couple...
Dec 15, 20165 min read
Handling your deceased parents’ Living Trusts
Dear Clients and Friends, As a former IRS attorney I was specially assigned to the Estate and Gift Tax division and in my 4+ decades of...
Oct 1, 20043 min read
Estate Planning and Your Highly Appreciated Residence
The absolute basics on one’s estate planning are to have a valid living Trust, a backup Will for that Trust and a Medical Durable Power...
Oct 1, 20033 min read
The Marital Deduction: A Valuable Estate Planning Tool
The federal estate tax marital deduction is one of the most important estate planning tools available to a married couple. The basic...
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