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Apr 24, 20193 min read
Should others be added to your bank accounts?
Dear Clients and Friends, Various types of bank accounts held in the name of a single individual or entity have the virtue of simplicity,...
Jan 30, 20193 min read
Thoughts on adding others to your accounts
Dear Clients and Friends, Various types of bank accounts held in the name of a single individual or entity have the virtue of simplicity,...
Aug 13, 20153 min read
Improved rules for credit scores will help borrowers with mortgage rates and more
Dear Clients and Friends, The company behind the most widely-used credit score in America has announced three major changes to how it...
Apr 21, 20151 min read
Success in Complex Litigation
Dear Clients and Friends, Permit me to share some success we have had recently with some complex litigation matters. Cases such as these...
Oct 9, 20141 min read
Estate Planning and its tax benefits
Dear Clients and Friends, Estate and Gift taxes are integrated in their computations, they change almost annually and an FAQ for us is:...
Apr 15, 20141 min read
IRS has new woes – but they’re still your foes.
Dear Clients and Friends, The below link is to a recent AP article on the current status of the IRS.
Jan 17, 20142 min read
Community Property Basics
In its essence, community property law recognizes the equal contribution of both parties to a marriage even though one or the other may...
Oct 22, 20133 min read
Careful Whom You Add to Accounts
Various types of bank accounts held in the name of a single individual or entity have the virtue of simplicity, and the added bonus that...
Apr 22, 20132 min read
California’s Homeowners Bill of Rights
On January 1 of this year the California Homeowners Bill of Rights went into effect. The Homeowners Bill of Rights makes the foreclosure...
Feb 1, 20132 min read
401(k) Loans and Hardship Withdrawals
You won’t find many financial advisors who vigorously advocate dipping into the money in your 401(k) retirement account while you’re...
Jun 24, 20121 min read
Hey Ron, Any sensible investment strategy for this economy?
We do get asked these types of questions and with my hat being that of a lawyer I will defer any of you interested in an answer to this...
Oct 20, 20113 min read
Financially Speaking, Keep it Simple
In theory, we are all in favor of saving time, labor, and space, not to mention avoiding the stress and anxiety that can come from...
Aug 16, 20113 min read
Accentuate the Positive and Eliminate the Negative?
The current spike in gloomy economic news after reaching the I-think-I’ve-heard-enough-for-now stage, reminded me of and inspired me to...
Aug 16, 20111 min read
FDIC Insurance Update
Last summer, a law was enacted that raised the standard maximum deposit insurance amount (SMDIA) to $250,000. The law made permanent a...
Dec 1, 20102 min read
Bank Accounts Are A-Changing
In the last year, new Federal Reserve Board rules have reined in the ability of banks and other financial institutions to impose charges...
Apr 1, 20102 min read
Credit CARD Act
Recently, the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act of 2009 (the Credit CARD Act) went into effect. Congress saw...
Dec 1, 20091 min read
FDIC Insurance Update
In October 2008, Congress increased the basic limit on federal deposit insurance coverage from $100,000 to $250,000. The limit is...
Nov 15, 20092 min read
$200,000 for Identity Theft Victim
Nicole discovered that someone with a name very similar to hers had stolen her identity and opened fraudulent accounts in her name and...
Oct 11, 20081 min read
Our Economy and the Wisdom of Thomas Jefferson
I recently wrote an email to clients and made known my frustration with the fact that neither Candidate for President voiced the obvious...
May 23, 20083 min read
Like-Kind Exchanges
Normally, capital gains are recognized and taxable upon the sale of property. The Tax Code provides an exception to this rule for certain...
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